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How to Endure, pt1


How to Endure, pt1

Leadership in Context with Keith Tucci

Episode 205

Endurance is a part of life. Endurance is a mark of a disciple, a follower of Jesus Christ.

In 1 Peter, Peter is writing to people who are about to experience persecution. He is prophetically preparing them.

1 Peter 1:6

In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials...

Peter is not saying that trials are pleasant or even the will of God. “Now for a little while”—this is perspective, understanding that there are seasons where we have circumstances beyond our ability to control. They didn’t happen because we were disobedient. They are a rough spot, a trial in life. When you are in the midst of that trial, it seems like it is forever. Peter is reminding them that this trial will not last forever.

We need to understand that trials are for a season.

In the Northeast, we get some harsh winters. How do I survive them? I remember that April is coming. I know it is a season. It is something I can’t control, but it will come to an end.

1 Peter 1:7

…so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Every test is a faith test, not just a get-through-it test. To have endurance, you must focus on faith, not just enduring.

To do this, we bolster ourselves with the Word. Faith comes from hearing the Word of the Lord. The journey of endurance requires bolstering your faith. These trials aren’t just your life being interrupted, but your faith being attacked. You have to fight back. You have to believe God, not just wait for something to change. You hold onto the promise of God, not just endure and hope things come out ok in the end.

Endurance is not passive.

1 Peter 1:9

…obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls.

Peter is giving them the big picture here. He is reminding them that no matter what happens in this circumstance, that they are a saved people. At the end of the day, I have something that cannot be taken away by anyone or any circumstance—my salvation. My end result is already guaranteed.

Keep your eyes on the prize. Your salvation cannot be taken away. Live your life in light of eternity. Let eternity influence your daily posture, decisions, and focus. Let eternity influence how you walk through life’s circumstances.

1 Peter 1:12

It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you, in these things which now have been announced to you through those who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven—things into which angels long to look.

How did they endure? It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves. Whether we understand it or not, we stand on the shoulders of those who suffered for their faith. In our spiritual heritage, there were those who went before us and were persecuted but stood their ground because they looked ahead and realized there was someone dependent upon them.

When I realize there are people dependent upon me, it gives me strength, perspective, and makes the value of my right decisions greater for me than just how they benefit me.

Let’s be a people who not only know how to endure but can impart endurance to those around us.

Join us next week as Keith Tucci continues to put leadership truth in the context of the local church. And as always, please like, share, rate/review, and invite others to listen. See you next week!

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