“I have become a better pastor by being part of NRP. It’s one thing to pastor and drive the vision that God has given you by yourself, but then it’s another thing to find a tribe and know that you have someone that has already walked in your shoes. To be part of covenant relationships where you have covering, you have people investing in you, praying for you. When you have those things, you’ll become a better minister, be more effective, and see more fruit in your ministry.” —Pastor Frank Rondon, PA

Every believer needs to be part of a local church, and every local church needs to be part of a tribe. There is a great disconnect in our generation—There are a lot of great pastors out there, ministering a lot of great Truth, with great leadership dynamics. But without every realizing it, they aren’t doing the very things they are asking their people to do. They don’t have a venue to do that. They don’t have a way to walk that out. They are serving the body of Christ, but they don’t get the benefits of being part of the body of Christ.
NRP is that venue. We are a tribe. We are covenant. We are NRP.