OUR Team

Keith & Penny Tucci, Team Leader
Keith Tucci has served in a variety of ministerial roles, including pastor, church planter, and missionary. He has a prominent voice in the Christian community and has had two victorious cases before the United States Supreme Court regarding free speech. He also has appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee and has been a guest on various news shows, including Good Morning America, Nightline, and Firing Line. Until 2015, Keith was pastoring Living Hope Church in Pennsylvania. Currently, he serves as the Apostolic Team Leader for the Network of Related Pastors. Keith and his wife, Penny, have been married for over 40 years. They have eight children and eighteen grandchildren.

Chad & Nan Cocran
Generations Church, LA
Mike & Michelle Frie
Metro Harvest Church, WI
Keith & Kellie Hodges
Liberty Church, AL
Eric & Michelle Johns
Buffalo Dream Center, NY

Ron & Marion Johnson
Living Stones Church, IN

Rick & Natalie Paladin
Bridge City Church, PA
Troy & Shirley Thomas
Bethel Church, LA
Dick & Susie Bashta
School of Ministry Directors

Pam Kirkwood
Executive Assistant
to Rod Aguillard

Natalie Heide
Special Projects Coordinator

Nick Belpasso
Digital Media Coordinator
and Developer

Mia Celino, CPA
Operations and
Accounting Director

Angela Shaw
Communications and
Conference Director

Gina Santana
School of Ministry Administration

Cheryl Romanik
Admin Assistant Bookkeeping
& Accounts Payable

Lisa Lane
School of Ministry Registrar

Rod & Mary Aguillard
LifeHouse Church, LA

Jerry & Denise Cocran
Generations Church, LA

Carl & Dawn Catalanotto
The Tabernacle Church, LA

Joe & Karen Warner
Faith Fellowship Church, NC