Dear Pastors & Intercessors,
I believe the Holy Spirit is blowing the trumpet for the local church to focus on repentance, fasting, and united prayer. Please consider using the following prophetic decrees to lead your local church in releasing the will of God into our nation. Remember, God rules through the fervent, united prayers of His people.
Prophetic Decrees
The left loves abortion and hates God. The Democratic Senators demonstrated that in the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. Let’s agree, “Rise-up, O God, and scatter your enemies. Let those who hate God run for their lives!” Psalms 68:1.
Father, in Jesus name, blow them away like smoke!
A warning to the Deep State and the progressive liberals of the National Democratic Party: “When you are done destroying, you will be destroyed. When you are done betraying, you will be betrayed!” Isaiah 33:1.
Certainly, God is not mocked; what a man sows, that will he reap! The left, the enemies of our republic, will reap their hatred and deceit.
Pray this as a prophetic decree with your people:
Heaven is in action! “Be silent before the Lord, He is springing into action from His Holy dwelling!” Zachariah 2:13.
Father God is in action, pouring out His Spirit to empower the godly. We are empowered for the Harvest of the ages and to bring moral reformation to our nation! So be it!
Rejoicing, Bro. Rod Aguillard NRP Senior Overseer
October Itinerary
October 01-10
Europe| My Bucket List: Normandy, Paris, Rome
October 20-22
The Way Church, Texas with Pastors Matt & Tammy Woodfill
October 26-28
River of Life Church, Michigan with Pastors Doral & Linda Jackson