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We Can Do This

Writer's picture: NRPNRP


Pastor Tim Quintrell

Lighthouse Church, Missouri

Pastoring in this day and age is changing rapidly. The gimmick basics of getting people to attend church is in the rearview mirror. Today, and in days to come, the Church that matters is the Church that prays, gathers, mobilizes, and is prepared to face great opposition. Being a pastor in today's backdrop might not be the most popular route. Pastors must live in the zone of “BUT God!” God is the one who calls, equips, encourages, avenges, and multiplies. If you are a pastor, you know exactly what I’m saying. In fact, what a time to preach the powerful Truth of the gospel.

I believe today that shepherds will be challenged to preach a full gospel. Holy Spirit is moving and bringing aid and assistance to the churches and pastors who stand firm and love strong! People, now more than ever, need to see the Truth, hear the Truth, and feel the peace of the Truth! Fear and anxiety are roaring and trying to get people to retreat. What is the best way the Church can shut the mouths of fear and anxiety? Live the power of Almighty God. We should mobilize our congregants to sense the move of God and be willing to pray for people when they are not at church! Speak peace into and over people in their workplaces and households. Lastly, love your neighbors whose opinion differs from yours!

We can see from this election the battle of worldviews. We cannot allow worldly things to set the position of the Church. The God who created the Church is calling the Church to strong love! We need to teach our people to live love, even when it is hard.

This might sound like a broken record, but the Church must be strong in prayer. The churches that build people in strong prayer stamina will be the church that is positioned to overcome! We must show people what warfare prayer looks like. Prayer for the unborn. Prayer for the nation. Prayer for things like human trafficking, pushing back the darkness. Let’s get the people stoked about prayer! Let’s celebrate answered prayer! Let’s surround those attacked or wounded. The best training is resistance training!

We can do this, Pastors! In the face of resistance and opposition, we can do this!

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