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Generators for Ukraine

Making History His-Story

We had a Zoom call this week with some of our key leaders and workers in Ukraine and Romania. These are remarkable people who continue to amaze us as to their dedication and ingenuity. I look forward to the day when some of them can come here and visit the churches that have helped them. I believe that day will come.

There were those who could not make the call because so much of the infrastructure has been destroyed by Russian missiles, including cell towers. We also learned of seven deaths in one of the communities we are sending supplies to. It’s easy to lose touch with the tragedy of every life lost when you just hear statistics. But every name and face reminds you why Jesus died and why we are attempting to honor His sacrifice by demonstrating that every life is important.

The Russians are losing on the ground and being pushed back. They have resorted to missile terrorism. They are firing volleys of missiles across the country, destroying and killing. One of their objectives is to freeze the Ukrainians out by blowing up electrical generation, supply lines, and gas wells. The greatest need they have is simply staying warm. As I write, people in many places are huddled together to stay warm.

Our shipments of generators and wood stoves are making a big difference. Two of the leaders on our call told us they had given away the generators we sent to them to more needy people and asked if it was possible to be considered again. We are working on another transport of wood stoves and generators. Forty to fifty of these is by no means addressing the thousands that are in the cold and dark, but it does make a difference to those who get them. We will continue to do it. The pastors will distribute to the most needy and vulnerable in their area. Of course, time is of the essence, as snow is already falling.

One of the remarkable things they continue to do is outreaches in their communities. One pastor called it a “bread revival,” as they alway preach when passing out food. We also purchased another 20 tons of flour. They are able to bake 1,000 loaves of bread a day with their ingenious makeshift ovens.

Just a reminder that every dollar makes it directly to aid. We have no overhead; all our trips are paid for by those making the trips.

While the invasion of Russia and the terror it has brought to these folks who are innocent is off the front page, they face the challenge of eating and staying warm every moment. Many moms are on their own as the husbands and able-bodied men are at war. The reality of their suffering is hard for us to comprehend. I’ve been there, and it still is difficult for me to process. I’ve also seen first-hand the help we give that makes a profound difference, and because of that I continue to ask all my friends to please help. Most of the generators we are purchasing are between $400-$600. Prices on generators are rising, and availability is tight. The wood stoves are between $200-$400.

I’m asking everyone I know to please help us buy as many generators and wood stoves as possible. Would you buy one or more? As the war is not being published much anymore, donations have slowed down considerably. So I’m asking everyone to please help right now. We can give some warmth and hope to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Please act now. You can give HERE.

In the Master’s Service,

Keith Tucci

NRP Team Leader

One of the vans you helped NRP purchase has already delivered over 300 tons of food and supplies! Watch the video to hear an update straight from Ukraine and join us in making history His-Story.

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