Pastor Eric Johns and his church, the Buffalo Dream Center in New York, have been partnering with Pastor Sagar in Guntur, India for many year. For more than twenty years Pastor Sagar has overseen the Center of Hope in Guntur, India. The Center of Hope is a Christ-centered home to twenty-three children and widows. It is also the home of a Christian school providing a good education to approximately one hundred children. The school includes English classes. Pastor Sagar also helped plant and now oversees seventy-eight churches in surrounding villages.

Recently the Indian government threatened to shut down the school on the Center of Hope property due to the size of the facility being used. The inspectors demanded that Pastor Sagar construct a new building that would accommodate the large number of students. At the Band of Brothers Conference in 2017, an offering was given
to help with construction of the school. Through donations from the Buffalo Dream Center and the Network of Related Pastors, the first phase of construction has been completed on the new school building. When completed, the new school will have a total of eleven classrooms.
Now that the first phase has been completed, the next thing that must be done is the construction of a new roof. The cost for this project is $12,000. Please continue to pray for Pastor Sagar as he works on this project. We are excited to see all that God is doing around the world!