Dear Network,
I am writing this letter on August 28, 2017. We are witnessing a devastating and historical flood in the Houston Metro area that is effecting ten million people. Marvelous Mary and I are continually praying in regards to the loss and suffering of this tragic event.
It is my scriptural understanding that God controls the winds and the flood waters. I have asked Him, “What are you saying to the church body in the midst of disaster?” First and foremost, we are spared to serve. Grace empowers us to help the suffering. We must help! Secondly, the Founders of our nation had a profound sense of God’s holiness and God’s judgment. Whenever a disaster or a plague of sickness visited their particular colony, they rushed to their church buildings, they repented of sin, and cried out for mercy! And often the affliction was lifted!
May we turn from our selfish ways; and in our repentance, let us cry out to our Father for mercy and give Him an open window to heal our land. “I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land, but I found no one.” Ezekiel 22:30 NLT.
Rejoicing in repentance and united in prayer,
Bro Rod Aguillard
NRP Senior Overseer
September 6
Cornerstone Church of Amite | Amite, Louisiana
Pastors Mervin & Dasha Strother | Prophetic Summit
September 8-10
The Buffalo Dream Center | Buffalo, New York
Pastors Eric & Michelle Johns | Leadership Training & Refreshing
September 13
LifeHouse Church | Reserve, Louisiana
Pastors Stephen & Laura Aguillard | Refreshing
September 22-24
Church Alive | Magee, Mississippi
Pastors Gene & Regina Amason | Leadership Summit & Refreshing
September 29-October 1
River of Life Church | Watervliet, Michigan
Pastors Doral & Linda Jackson | Leadership Summit & Refreshing