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Bro Rod's January Update

Writer's picture: NRPNRP

Dear Pastor, 2016 Reflections: Reports of United Prayer Movements with a ferverence for the Third Great Awakening and the Harvest of the Ages. Recently I emailed you a December 16th vision of rainbow glory rays mixed with gold penetrating believers removing sin flaws. Rays of His glory causing so much pleasure that manifestations does not matter. “In His presence there is fullness of joy…” Psalm 16:11 Another reflection that still warms my heart is the election of Trump/Pense against all odds and total demonic opposition. There is the possibility of one and maybe two Supreme Court Justices appointments that could overturn Roe v. Wade which would give life and hope to unborn children. I weep thinking about this possibility: First the restoration of the sanctity of life. Second, the restoration of the sanctity of marriage. I am dreaming that our Lord’s name will no longer be profaned in our nation. Dream with me! Finally, a prophetic word that I am holding onto and praying with: “It is not God’s time for a globalist takeover but it’s God’s time for a Great Awakening and the Harvest of the Ages.” With excited anticipation, I am saying back to Him what He is saying to me. “For God says, “I will break the strength of the wicked, but I will increase the power of the godly.” Psalms 75:10. Therefore Father, “give justice to the wicked and empower the godly.” It is God’s time for take-over! God rules, He is scattering His enemies with His mighty arm and pouring out His Heart Glory on the praying/worshiping body of believers. Rejoicing, Rod Aguillard NRP Senior Overseer

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