Just Thankful!! “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth forever.”
I Chronicles 16:34 KJV

By the time you receive this email, another thanksgiving day will have passed, my 75th. Every morning I awake with thanksgiving:
1. I am thankful that He is my Savior. All my sins are forgiven. They are as far as the East is from the West.
2. I am thankful that He is my Refuge. My safe haven in the storms of life.
3. I am thankful that He is my Healer! My health and healing, the strength of my life and body.
4. I am thankful that He is my Provider! No good thing has He withheld from me as I walk uprightly.
5. I am thankful that He is my Good Shepherd. He guides me into all truth and causes me to lie down by green meadows and refreshing streams.
6. I am thankful that He is my Jehovah Nissi. He is my man of war and I have all authority over demons and disease.
7. I am so thankful for all my covenant relationships: my immediate family. The NRP pastors and their wives.
Just thankful! Join Me!
Rod Aguillard