Moving Forward, pt3
Leadership in Context with Keith Tucci
Episode 079
Five Forward Gears
1. You must determine that the place you are in is not the place where you will stay.
2. You must clearly identify where you are.
When you are driving the interstates, there are rest stops along the way with great big maps on the wall that have a red arrow to show where you are. You have to know where you are to get where you are going. Some people have a good idea of where they want to go, but don’t understand where they currently are.
Good leaders have vision because they are able to define reality. Great visionary leaders are able to see things because they are able to identify things.
When you identify where you are and it’s bad, you want to live in denial. When you dig in and understand how bad it is, it’s the beginning of getting you out of there. On the other hand, you might be in a place that isn’t bad, but it’s just not the place you should be. It’s ok, but not the best ok. Identify where you are.
This is a job of a leader. You have to have the courage to identify where you are. Some days, that will be celebrating your accomplishments. Other days, it will be acknowledging where you fell behind or fell short. Bring those things to the surface, and put the magnifying glass to it.
God wants to trust you with reality. That’s the first step to trusting you with vision. If you are crying out for vision in your life, a question I would ask is: Are you handling reality right now? Are you willing to let the Lord magnify what is around you—the good, the bad, and the ugly? Not so He can rub your nose in it. But so He can get you up above it. So He can move you beyond that thing.
Examine where you are so that you can move forward. If you are going to lead, you have to be able to identify where you are. Look at your goals and your visions, and see how you are measuring up.
Once you identify where you are, there is a good chance you will get insight on how you got there. Often, people try to figure out how they got to a certain place before identifying what that place is. Identifying the place helps to keep you from making future errors as you move forward.
God wants to help you clearly identify where you are so that you don’t have to stay there.
Next week, we will talk about the next forward gears.
[This series is based on a message that Keith Tucci shared at NRP’s 2020 National Conference. You can hear that message on NRP’s website here: https://www.nrpastors.com/nationalconference2020 ]
Join us next week as Keith Tucci continues to put leadership truth in the context of the local church. And as always, please like, share, rate/review, and invite others to listen. See you next week!