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The Art of the Meeting, pt3


The Art of the Meeting, pt3

Leadership in Context with Keith Tucci

Episode 199

When drilling for water, they know whether they are close or not based on the deposits of soil on the drill bit. If you stay in contact with all the different soils in your church, you will hit water every time.

As a leader of a growing church, you have to spend a lot of your meeting time with your top leaders. Leaders, not opinion givers. People who gather people, motivate them, move people, and lead them. Your leadership meetings will be dead on arrival if you just have church attenders who have a lot of wisdom, offering their opinion, but are not part of the mobilization force. Those are people you bring in to ask questions on occasion, but they aren’t real leaders. Leaders push the plow forward.

You also have to have some regular contact with every part of the church. You cannot delegate vision. You are the vision carrier. You can delegate certain aspects of vision to be implemented, but that vision has to roll out of you. From the worship leader to your new members and everyone in between, there has to be some sort of constant, consistent contact. Not as intense or frequent as your leadership meeting, but on some level, you are connecting. For example, if you have a group of single mothers meeting once a month, pop in that meeting with your wife twice a year to let them know you are praying for them and care about them.

Meet with people who lead people.

  • These are regular, consistent, and frequent meetings.

  • Small group leaders are the most critical people to meet with because they are helping you pastor the church.

  • The next group of people I would work with would be the worship team. They are the people you have in front of the congregation all the time, especially your worship leader(s). I believe every worship leader is a worship teacher. I would meet with my worship leader on a regular basis. I want that person to carry my worship DNA. Then periodically, I would drop into their practice and thank them for serving, share something God is doing, and check on how they are doing. I would draw that team together to care for them and even worship with them for a song or two.

  • Meet with anyone else who is helping to pastor people, like those who are doing counseling and your altar ministers.

Meet with people who drive tasks.

  • These people are those who are making things happen.

  • Administrative team, financial team, building maintenance team, outreach team, follow-up team, etc.

  • Meet with them on a regular basis. Not as much as you are meeting with your small group leaders and worship team, but at least once a month.

Many leaders make fatal errors or don’t act quickly because they are simply operating on old information. Get these meetings on your calendar ahead of time. That will cause their meetings to be sharp and let them know that you are really interested in them. You will learn a lot by listening to them and observing them during these meetings. When you are in these meetings and know what is going on, it enables you to pastor them in the context of the way they are serving.

In my experience, these regular meetings help you sustain people serving in those areas a lot longer because they feel empowered, heard, and cared for. They know you really care and value them.

Who are you meeting with on a regular basis? When the majority of your meetings are spontaneous or as needed, something else besides you is driving the vision. Look at all those people as you are drilling down so you know when you are about to hit water. Who you are meeting with is important. Do that on purpose every time.

Join us next week as Keith Tucci continues to put leadership truth in the context of the local church. And as always, please like, share, rate/review, and invite others to listen. See you next week!

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