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Leadership in Context Episode 122 Show Notes

Writer's picture: NRPNRP

A Clear Perspective

Leadership in Context with Keith Tucci

Episode 122

I’d like to pause the series I’ve been doing to comment on what is currently going on in our country.

Here is a statement I posted on NRP’s website (

Recent events in the political spectrum, especially the violence in Washington, DC, have caused followers of Jesus Christ to consider what our posture and response--both verbally and with our life--should be to these disgraceful things. Throughout history, there have been those who misrepresented leaders they claimed to follow, honor, and support. As believers, we are keenly aware of the damage that is done to the gospel when confessed believers and followers of Jesus Christ act in ways that are inconsistent with Christian truth, values, and morality. Likewise, we see the same misrepresentation happening politically. The actions of others should never be an excuse for true followers of Christ to be any less zealous in their faith and action. If anything, it becomes a time when we shine the brightest in our convictions and lifestyle. This is such a time for the Lord’s Church, His bride. This is a time when we examine our lives and our walk with God so that we may be a part of the answer. This is not a time of retreat in the face of obstacles and disappointments that we are currently experiencing. The present evils must not intimidate nor define us. Our mission as believers has not been withdrawn from heaven. Our commission to disciple the nations and to be salt and light still shouts loudly from the Scripture. Together, we must not give up one inch to evil. God is calling us to commit ourselves to truth and righteousness, as we ask him to heal our land.

I am disappointed. I am so disappointed. But I am not discouraged. Discouragement takes your courage away. Disappointment is when high expectations, standards, valid hopes were not met. We need to continue to have our hope and move forward.

Christian Entitlement

There are a lot of people asking how God could not answer our prayers for the election this year with all of the corporate prayer and fasting that took place. God does not owe us anything. If He does owe us anything, it’s justice and not mercy. We should not be like a socialist-thinking people who believe we are entitled to God’s blessing when we, as a whole people, are undeserving of that.

America has turned its back on God, has kicked God out of schools, murdered millions of children, denied that God has made man and women in His own image and that they are separate genders, has tried to blow up marriage, attacked the Church, persecuted believers. God is not pleased with these things.

We cannot claim a corporate blessing because we are Americans. Because I’m a believer, a child of God, I do have favor with God. In the midst of that corporate chaos and lack of blessing, I do believe that somehow, some way, God’s light can shine on me and His blessings can still be predominant in my life.

I’m not suggesting that this election won’t have serious consequences. What I am proclaiming is that in spite of those consequences, we will still be able to live the way God wants us to live and do the things He wants us to do if we chose to not walk in discouragement and if we carry our disappointments with an open hand.

I’m going to continue to:

  • Believe for God’s divine intervention. He is bigger than any king or any electoral system.

  • Put all of my eggs into the basket called the local church because I believe that the Church is His bride, and He is going to take care of His Church.

  • Share my faith and tell people about Jesus.

  • Be a patriot and not distance myself from the policies and platforms that I believe are righteous and a blessing.

  • Stand with the people who take heat for not backing down.

Blessings are conditional. They are not guaranteed. They are a result of hope, faith, righteousness. Our job as believers is to meet the conditions that bring God’s blessing, to help those around us meet those conditions, and to help the culture around us meet those conditions. Then as a culture, we can help our nation meet those conditions that bring God’s blessing.

Be prayerful. Be resolute. Don’t give into the enemy’s agenda and withdraw from cultural engagement. Don’t let the enemy steal your hope. Let the gospel of Christ shine through you. Be radically committed and connected to your local church, because that is where God’s blessing is and will always be. Spend time in the Word and not in the media. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word.

These are very serious and sober times we are living in. To pretend there are no consequences for what happened in our nation would be a great mistake. But to pretend that God is ultimately dependent on those circumstances is a bigger mistake. We are called to be salt and light. Now is the time to be salt and light. Now is not the time to give up, back away, and remain silent.

To hold President Trump accountable for the actions of a few (referring to the storming of the Capitol during the Senate hearing) is grossly unfair. We know that intuitively. Those people need to be held accountable for their own actions.

Let’s continue to focus on the things that are right and speak of righteousness. Let’s continue to be salt and light. Let’s continue to call attention to Jesus and His Word.

Join us next week as Keith Tucci continues to put leadership truth in the context of the local church. And as always, please like, share, rate/review, and invite others to listen. See you next week!

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