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Leadership in Context Episode 107 Show Notes

What Does Covenant Look Like? Pt2

Leadership in Context with Keith Tucci

Episode 107

Part 1: Covenant people go beyond.

Part 2: Covenant people sense an obligation to the third party.

2 Samuel 8:10-11

Toi sent Joram his son to King David to greet him and bless him, because he had fought against Hadadezer and defeated him; for Hadadezer had been at war with Toi. And Joram brought with him articles of silver, of gold and of bronze. King David also dedicated these to the Lord, with the silver and gold that he had dedicated from all the nations which he had subdued.

The Situation: David was fighting the enemy of Toi and defeated him. Toi is grateful for what David had done. Toi brought personal gifts to David because he had defeated his enemies and enriched his life.

When you help someone defeat their enemies, there is a special bond that is created. 

David did not take the gift for himself. If you believe that gifts in your life are from God—financial, ministry, relational, skill, then it is going to be very easy for you when you are blessed for using those gifts, to channel them back to God. When you have an extra blessing that comes your way, the belief that those blessings are from God will make it a lot easier for you to look like a conduit instead of a deep pocket.

COVENANT PEOPLE SENSE AN OBLIGATION TO THE THIRD PARTY. A covenant is when two people shake hands and do something together so that someone else can benefit. 

David went to war and knocked out the enemy of his friend. That relationship turned into a covenant relationship because Toi was blessed by what David did.

Covenant people are conscious that their obedience to Jesus benefits a third party. There is a sense of stewardship when you understand that. Our covenant with Jesus isn’t just about me and Jesus. 

If you are in tight relationship with someone, have you ever asked what the benefit to others is from your relationship? Take marriage as an example. One of the reasons why marriages are unfulfilled is because they are just trying to meet each other’s needs. That is the first step. But there is more. What has God brought them together to do?

What can we do together greater than what we can do apart?

People walk into church with a retail mentality. What can this church do for me? Yes, we need to be objective thinkers and make sure we fit there. If you join yourself to a church, the questions should be: What can we do together? What can I help them do? What can they help me to do that I was not able to do before? That’s covenant thinking.

God is calling us to go to a covenant level. It’s more than just how something blesses me. That’s contract. Thinking of the third party, that’s covenant. 

How do we use our blessing and favor? David took the blessing from Toi and didn’t keep it for himself. He took it as something that God gave him to spend. David gave it back to the temple.

A covenant person thinks of the third-party beneficiary. A covenant person thinks beyond what just blesses them. 

Join us next week as Keith Tucci continues to put leadership truth in the context of the local church. And as always, please like, share, rate/review, and invite others to listen. See you next week!

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