So much recovery and rebuilding needs to be done! One hundred and ten thousand homes flooded plus businesses and churches. And most individuals and churches have no flood insurance as they were not in a flood zone. Good Report: So far we have raised $25,000. My goal is $60,000. I was able to hand two five thousand dollars checks to two different pastors. One wept as I handed it to him. Thanks for giving! Work crews are beginning to come in. Darren Burlison and three men from his Alabama church ripped out sheet rock at Bethany North Campus. Marvelous Mary and I led a crew of six women to Revival Temple. Ripped out several hundred square feet of sheet rock. Amazing women! Tuesday, five men from Pennsylvania drove in from Living Hope Church, Pastor Doug Allen. Thirteen men are driving all night from Living Stones Church in Crown Point, Indiana, Pastor Ron Johnson, Jr. They will drive into my home at 7:00 AM ready to go to work. Amazing grace! Other individuals and churches are contacting me and planning to send in crews over the next three weeks. Rejoicing! God is great! Join us! God strengthen you and yours!
Pressing, Rod Aguillard NRP Overseer Note: By the way, on Tuesday, three crews hung sheet rock in Revival Temple Church building with Pastor Wes Courtney. An Amazing ten day recovery! Excited!