Keith Tucci has served in a variety of ministerial roles including pastor, church planter, and missionary. He has a prominent voice in the Christian community and has testified before the United States Supreme Court, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and has also appeared on various news outlets, including Good Morning America, Nightline, and Firing Line. Until 2015, Keith was pastoring Living Hope Church in Pennsylvania. Currently, Keith serves as the Apostolic Team Leader for the Network of Related Pastors. He and his wife, Penny, have been married for over 40 years. They have eight children and eighteen grandchildren.
Keith Tucci is the Apostolic Team Leader for the Network of Related Pastors, based in the New Orleans, Louisiana, area. His passion for the local church and his care and concern for its leaders have endeared him to many pastors and their families. He is frequently called upon for strategic assistance and leadership development. Keith has a track record of training and releasing others into ministry, and he has been involved in church planting efforts both in the U.S. and abroad. Through his leadership, many strong congregations have been raised up and, in turn, have reproduced themselves.
Keith and his wife, Penny, have been married for 40 years. They have 8 children and 12 grandchildren. Penny is an integral part of what they do together. She, too, is often called upon for the wisdom and encouragement she brings to the body of Christ. She has successfully raised up strong women’s leadership teams within the local church. They often travel together as a team, ministering to local churches and at conferences.
Keith has done extensive missions work in Eastern Europe (where he was arrested twice in the former Soviet Union for ministering to persecuted leaders). He sits on several missions boards and consults with mission organizations and local churches to raise up mission movements.
For four years, Keith served as the director of Operation Rescue, a national anti-abortion organization. He was a part of numerous abortion clinic blockades, resulting in many arrests for challenging judicial tyranny and free speech violations.
Keith has appeared as a guest on a number of media outlets to articulate a Christian worldview in response to a number of cultural issues. These appearances have included all the national network news shows including Nightline,Good Morning America, and, most notably, Firing Linewith Dr. William Buckley.
Keith has been both the main plaintiff and defendant in a number of national cases because of his outspoken advocacy for the unborn and the Christian family. Two of these cases have resulted in victories at the Supreme Court level, as well as several other victorious actions against those who would try to impede the preaching of the gospel beyond the walls of the Church.