Pastor Chris Lodriguss
The Tabernacle, Lousisiana
It’s here again! It’s youth camp/conference season! Since 2016, I have had the privilege to host the NRP summer youth camp, NO COMPROMISE. We have witnessed the Holy Spirit move in power and purpose as He touched the lives of hundreds of young people. I am convinced that this year will be no different. I’m elated that this year we are bringing NO COMPROMISE to Crown Point in June for our northern churches, as well as continuing the camp for the South in Alabama.
Each year, the Lord gives me a theme for the camp that I believe captures His heart for the work He intends to do in the lives of the students. Last year was titled “No Compromise: Won’t Be Silent.” We had Brother Jim Anderson as one of the speakers, and if you’ve ever been in a meeting with him, you can imagine the powerful move of the Spirit we had in the area of purity. The altars were filled nightly as shame and guilt were washed away in the presence of God. During one of the worship services, the students themselves took over and sang for over twenty minutes in open worship; I still watch this video regularly.
This year the Lord impressed on my heart that He wanted the students to receive the revelation that they are “Meant for More.” We all know the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). While I don’t think his goal has changed at all, the methods by which he goes about to accomplish that goal have only become easier for him. Teens are spending on average (ON AVERAGE!!!) nine hours a day on digital technology. Tweens (ages 8-12) are spending, on average, six hours a day. This is allowing the enemy a new door (that is largely misunderstood and, by default, unguarded by parents) to gain access into the lives of students at such a young age. The enemy is distracting the students, deceiving them, and having them believe the lie that they are defeated before they ever realize what they can do for the Kingdom.
At NO COMPROMISE this year, both the north conference and south camp, I am convinced that the power of God is going to move in such a way that the students will be convinced that they are meant for more than distraction, deception, and defeat. I am also expecting them to catch the revelation that they are not just meant for more some day, but they are meant for more NOW.
The next generation needs a mighty move of the power of God so that they can begin being who they are created and called to be. They don’t have to wait until they’re in their 30’s to move in the anointing. They can do it in the 6th grade!
I cannot emphasize the value enough of you sending students to either event. Whether you are able to send students or not this year, please join the team and me in prayer as we expect a powerful move of God. Can you imagine what our churches would experience if our young people were full of the fire of God and living with the reality that they are meant for more? We won’t have to imagine for long, because this summer I expect to find out!
North Youth Conference
June 26-July 01 in Crown Point, Indiana
Register HERE
South Youth Camp
July 26-30 at Springville Camp in Alabama
Register HERE