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A Commentary on The War on Women

A Commentary on The War on Women

Keith Tucci

NRP Apostolic Team Leader

In the attempt to promote women’s rights apart from and outside of God’s plan and design, we end up creating a situation that actually backfires and creates greater hardship for the women we are seeking to promote.

1 Peter 3:7 may seem paradoxical when it tells husbands to “treat their wives as a weaker vessel,” while also stating that she is equal. “Treat her with honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life.” However, we have to be able to distinguish God’s perspective in these statements and avoid defining equality as the current culture defines it. While God clearly sees women to be every bit as valuable and vital as He sees men, He did give different functions and strengths and even frailties to each. 

God loves us as individuals—whether we are male or female. But we do not have to be in competition in a way that pits us against one another rather than allowing each of us to demonstrate our specific strengths and abilities. 

There will soon be a case that will make its way to the Supreme Court involving men who are competing in women’s athletics because they “identify” as women. They are physically stronger and are made differently than women are. Therefore, a woman should not have to be forced to be on the same physical level or judged equally in competition with men (even men who claim to be women).  

Does it genuinely value or honor a woman to pit her against a man and require her to duplicate his physical strength in order to succeed? Their bodies are clearly different (not better, but different). What society is masquerading as equality is really a great burden upon women’s sporting events and women’s ability to excel in their wide array of sports. 

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