Most of you know that my number one life message is to sit at the feet of our Lord Jesus by morning. Waiting on the Lord is to absorb grace to face the day and to see what He is saying to you!
To love God is to love His Word. To love God is to love His voice. In the morning as you open the Scripture, God will open His mouth and the verse will become His voice! Then as you meditate on what He is saying, the Word will get into your soul. This, in turn, will produce faith, energy, and joy, coupled with peace of mind. “…the Lord loves those who pursue godliness…”Proverbs 15:9 KJV.
In the morning, do as Mary the sister of Martha did—take time to know Him and receive grace to see His will and do His will. In the morning, take the time to meditate on small portions of Scripture. Meditate means to engage in thought, to reflect, to digest His Word into your soul and renew the spirit of your mind!

Remember that at the NRP National, I challenged you to 30 by 30—thirty minutes in the morning for thirty days reflecting in the book of Psalms (God’s prayer book). If you followed my lead, you will find yourself in love with and addicted to His word, as well as His manifest presence!
We love y’all,
Bro. Rod and Marvelous Mary
NRP Senior Overseer
P.S. I need to write a book on Developing Your Communion Life. Just a thought!