Last Wednesday morning when I heard of the passing of Evangelist Billy Graham, I commented to Mary that God is going to honor His servant with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit!
In biblical history we read of Elijah being taken up in a chariot of fire and his mantle/anointing of ministry falling on Elisha to continue carrying out God’s purposes on earth. In the passing of the baton between Bro. Roy Stockstill and his son Larry, I saw the doubling of the mantle. Pastor Larry, by the anointing, brought Bethany to a new level of soul-winning and world harvest. Twelve years ago, I passed the baton to my son Stephen Aguillard to pastor my home church. I was amazed to watch a double mantle falling on his life and ministry. Through him the word of God is multiplying and LifeHouse Church has become a House of Prayer and a rising River of Revival and Harvest!
Now Billy Graham’s mantle is falling on that part of the Body of Christ that is in United Prayer, crying out for God to come in awesome power and irresistible holiness. No doubt, the passing of Billy Graham is a sign and a spark for a Great Awakening and the Harvest of the Ages. We are now on the precipice of a Great Awakening that will be coupled with Reformation. Get ready for the Harvest! Get ready for the moral landscape of our nation to change from corruption to righteousness! Get ready for America to be great again!
Rejoicing! We were born for such a time as this,
Rod Aguillard
NRP Senior Overseer
March 3-4
Cornerstone of Amite | Amite, Louisiana
Pastor Mervin & Dasha Strother | Refreshing
March 9-11
Faith Covenant Church | Quakertown, Pennsylvania
Pastor Barry & Donnalea Slimm | Refreshing
March 12-16
Mission Trip | Guatemala
March 25
Revival Temple | Walker, Louisiana
Pastor Wes & Melissa Courtney | Prophetic Set-In