UKRAINE UPDATE from Keith Tucci
I wanted to update you on our Ukraine mission. Jesus taught us to pray, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Religion focuses on getting to Heaven, whereas the triumphant Church focuses on bringing Heaven to earth. That’s our mission in the midst of these dreadful circumstances–to bring Heaven to desperate, bewildered people. Heaven in the form of God’s love. Heaven in the form of a hot meal and a dry bed. Heaven in the form of hope. Heaven in the form of a friendship that tells them and shows them that they have not been forgotten.
I’ve often emphasized that leadership requires making decisions on what you do know and not allowing what you don’t know to paralyze you.
There is simply so much we don’t know–for that matter, that no one knows. Here’s what we do know: We are a blessed people with enough resources to help others. We know exactly where the most serious and time-sensitive urgent needs are. We know how to meet those needs. And we know God will truly bless our efforts. That’s a lot to know, even in the face of what we don’t know.
The supply lines and distribution teams we have teamed up with are working amazingly well, even as every day is a new scenario. Others are jumping in and joining us as they witness the effectiveness of this process. Even as the need is sure to rise, somehow we are keeping pace–not only because of your generosity, but of other concerned people as well. We now have a coalition of other countries and church groups who are partnering to bring a slice of Heaven to this broken earth.
The Ukraine believers and the leadership of pastors in the war zone are the heroes of this operation. They are the light in darkness. We are privileged to stand with them and be counted as brothers and sisters in Christ.
I know there are many who would gladly help if they knew it would make a difference. Please, please use your influence and invite them to join you.
At this point, we need as many people as possible to commit a monthly gift for the next 6 months. We are buying loads of food. We just purchased 20 tons of flour that is being turned into about 2,000 fresh loaves of bread a day! This is all being done by the Ukraines. It was their plan and ingenuity. We just supplied the things we take for granted every day.
We’ve also been able to purchase large quantities of canned goods that were not available for a while. This is important because they are more impervious to conditions and contamination.
There’s a lot we don’t know. How will this all end? How many will suffer and die? How many will lose their lives’ work? How many will help? But there is a lot we do know and a lot we can do that will make a difference in someone’s life that needs to see Heaven.
I’m asking you to join me in this honorable work. Click HERE and please consider a generous, monthly gift for the next 6 months.
This is our opportunity to make this awful history His-story!
In the Master’s Service,
Keith Tucci
NRP Apostolic Team Leader