Missions Leadership

Keith Tucci, Missions Director
Keith Tucci has served in a variety of ministerial roles including pastor, church planter, and missionary. He has a prominent voice in the Christian community and has testified before the United States Supreme Court, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and has also appeared on various news outlets, including Good Morning America, Nightline, and Firing Line. Until 2015, Keith was pastoring Living Hope Church in Pennsylvania. Currently, Keith serves as the Apostolic Team Leader for the Network of Related Pastors. He and his wife, Penny, have been married for over 40 years. They have eight children and 12 grandchildren.

Jerry Cocran, Missions Pastor
Jerry Cocran has been the pastor of New Jerusalem Praise & Worship Center in Pearl River, Louisiana, for the past 28 years. As the NRP Missions Pastor, he visits and encourages pastors on the mission field. Pastor Jerry and his wife, Denise, have six children and ten grandchildren. His two sons serve in ministry. One is currently on the mission field in Thailand, while the other serves as the worship pastor in their local church.

Joe Warner, Missions Ambassador
Joe Warner founded Freedom Fellowship Church in Orlando, Florida, over 25 years ago. He has been in full-time ministry for over thirty years and earned a doctorate degree from the International College of Ministry. As the Missions Ambassador for NRP, Pastor Joe leads ministry teams to equip and train leaders around the world. Pastor Joe and his wife, Karen, have been married for over 30 years. They have three children and two grandchildren.