Our vision is to assemble the local church to reach the nations by inspiring, networking and sending.

Clay & Anita Brooks
Clay Brooks is a missionary have been in full-time ministry since 1987. Over the last 17 years, the Brooks have been ministering overseas, focusing on training house church leaders, planting churches, and providing resources. He also has worked among Christian Baima and Boyu people groups, as well as unreached Tibetans. Before moving out of the US, the Brooks family ministered in Mexico and Russia. Clay and Anita have five children.

Dick & Ruth Flores, Spain
The Flores' vision is to establish a church that impacts the Costa del Sol region and beyond. Their desire is to communicate the gospel, and to affect lives, marriages, families, and communities. The Flores believe that because God rescued man from the curse of death, it should be our mission to spread His blessing to the world, and that is what they are actively pursuing.

Rodney & DeVonna Ishmael
The Ishmael--Simply Serving is a helps ministry with a global visio to come alongside existing five-fold ministries and help them fulfill their God-given strategic vision to reach the nations for Christ. Rod and De have over 30 years of bi-vocational church leadership and a heart to see people know and grow in Christian faith and service.

Heart of the Next Generation
Abortion is a Gospel issue. Our culture--even the church at large--has lost its moral compass of right and wrong. If we cannot declare and demonstrate that dismembering little boys and girls is wrong, then what can we say is wrong? Heart of the Next Generation is a pro-life movement, uniting believers to demonstrate courage and conviction for the next generation, the babies yet to be born.

theROAR is a one-year, accelerated, apostolic ministry, mission, and mentoring school for envisioning and equipping missionaries, pastors, and church leaders to plant churches both in the US and overseas. Graduating students earn an Associate Degree in Practical Theology or Intercultural Studies.

What Matters Ministries and Missions
Ivan and Kimbery Tait are the founders of What Matters Ministries and Missions (WMMM), Casa Angelina, and The Center in Nakuru, Africa. They have co-partnered with their two oldest daughters and sons-in-law in making WMMM the best it can be. Their mission is to impact and change the global crisis of forgotten, abused, and discarded children and widows in developing countries by providing self-esteem and value through education, housing, food, and health care.